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AICE Booster Donation

The AICE Boosters for SHS is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit providing resources to support the educational experience for SHS AICE students. The AICE program is a free program available to all SHS Sailors but there are costs and labors associated with running the program:


  • Instruction

  • Equipment

  • Vocational guidance of students and staff

  • AICE staff appreciation recognition

  • Outreach to community to boost AICE visibility to the greater Sarasota community:

    • AICE awards

    • AICE Medallion Ceremony

    • Graduation Dinner for AICE seniors who achieved the requisite 7 AICE courses & exams


For the AICE Boosters to meet these and other expenses, the AICE Boosters humbly requests a one-time $25 donation per student to avoid having to trouble parents and students for further volunteer activities such as car washes, restaurant nights, etc… It would also remove any further requests for such donations for the remainder of the school year.


For any individuals or businesses who desire to go above and beyond, there are Bronze, Silver and Gold level tiers of sponsorship that come with varying levels of recognition. For more information please email Mrs. Harshman.


Not all families are in a position to make the one-time $25 donation and that is okay! For those,  we ask for support in other ways such as volunteering on one or more of the committees that govern AICE functions throughout the school year.


For those able and willing to make a donation, please make checks payable to Sarasota High School AICE Boosters. Receipts will be provided for cash donations. Please present payment to Mrs. Harshman in the AICE office 13-226.


Last, please consider assisting the AICE program by donating a few hours of your time throughout the school year to participate in the following committees:

• Teacher Appreciation Committee

• Freshman Orientation/Freshman Information Night Committee

• AICE Testing Committee

• Banquet Committee


Please email Mrs. Harshman ( and identify any committee that you have preference for. Thanks in advance to everyone for your support to the SHS AICE program!

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SHS AICE Donation

$35 suggested

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