AICE Diploma Requirements

The AICE Diploma requires that students take at least 7 AICE courses and pass 7 AICE exams by the end of the senior year. Students must choose an AICE course in 1 of 4 required categories, plus the required Core AICE credit in Global Perspectives. The four categories include Mathematics/Science, Languages, Arts/Humanities, and Interdisciplinary/Skills based courses. The student may take the other 2 courses in any desired category to make the total of 7 AICE courses.
For the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, students must also complete 100 hours of community service by the end of the senior year.
Group 1
Mathematics and Science
AS/A Biology
AS/A Chemistry
AS/A Physics
AS/A Marine Science
AS Mathematics
AS/A Statistics
**AS Environmental Management
**AS/A Psychology
** = Environmental and Psychology can count in Group 1 OR Group 3
Group 2
AS/A English Language
AS/A Spanish Language
Group 3
Arts and Humanities
AS/A Art & Design
AS/A Digital Media and Design
AS Media Studies
AS/A U.S. History
AS/A Sociology
AS Literature in English
AS Travel and Tourism
AS Music
**AS Environmental Management
**AS/A Psychology
Group 4
Interdisciplinary & Skills Based Subjects
AS/A Thinking Skills
AS General Paper
Global Perspectives
Global Perspectives & Research (AS Level one credit only)

Cambridge International
For more information about the Cambridge AICE program, please visit the Cambridge Advanced webpage: